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Best Selling cube double decker marquee by Liri Tent China Manufacturer

The clear span we have for the Thermo Roof Cube Double Decker series is 10m 15m 20m 25m 30m 40m, and the main profile size is 300x120x5mm. Below is the characteristics of our thermo roof cube double decker structure:
1.The roof of the tent is made by thermo insulated PVC fabric, with heat insulation and preservation and thermostatic effect.
2.The roof is flat, and the roof pitch is 7°. It is worth mentioning that there is a tippet onthe eave of the tent , after
improvement and innovation , we increased the space for the banner advertising, which provided our customer with the platform to print Ads on the tents.

Just as our standard double decker tents, the thermo roof cube double decker structure can help you expand the “active area” when your actual area is limited, which means you can utilize double space and aera from one projected area. In addition, the thermo roof cube double decker structure can be equipped with outdoor balcony, people can get a very broad horizon from it,which is a very good choice for sports games (such as football games, golf, equestrian, and car racing ect.)use as VIP spectator stands.There are many accessories for the double decker structure. These accessories are aluminum stairs inside or outside the tents, sidewalls with clear PVC church windows, ground anchor, lining and curtain, glass wall system, ABS hard wall system,
sandwich wall system, steel sheet wall system, glass doors, sliding doors, electromotion rolling door system, transparent roof cover and sidewalls and flooring system.

Peggy Tang

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